We all know them - the logos of companies that need no explanation. They simply jump out at you and grab your attention. Pepsi, Cocoa Cola, McDonald's, Nike, Reebok, Paramount Pictures, Apple Computer, NBC (The National Broadcasting Company), and UPS (United Parcel Service) all have designs that are "eye catchers." You know how important an identity is for your business. Well designed logos appear on every form of communication a company has. Letterhead, business cards, marketing materials, promotional items, advertising materials, and physical locations like office space and manufacturing facilities all are stamped with a company's image. So how do you get one that catches you by the eye instead of one that jabs a stick in it?

Designing Eye Catching Logos

This subject is a great place to consider the question of just who should design your logo. In today's technological world, "do it yourself" design is easily achievable. There are many sophisticated Graphic Design software programs available and even the most inexpensive Desktop Publishing Program can do the job for you. And in the Internet age there are logo design firms all over the net with reasonable prices, even for totally custom designs. So where do you turn?

The Downside of DIY Logo Software

For those who are thinking "eye catching" the DIY approach is especially attractive since DTP (Desktop Publishing Programs) are laden with tons of features that allow you to manipulate text and images in an endless variation of ways. Loaded with clip art, you can select a pre-defined image or enter your own creation and play with it to your heart's content. With available colors not even found in a rainbow, you can dazzle the eye, not just catch it. Well, here's where what seems like dazzle to you might seem like a stick to the viewer of the logo.

Common Characteristic of Eye Catching Logos

What grabs people's attention is not a logo's complexity but it's simplicity. Think of the designs of those companies mentioned earlier and any others with which you're familiar and you'll realize they are all clean and simple. Tasteful and appropriate colors with minimal, if any, enhancing #D or shading effects that look may look neat to a designer, but actually distract the viewer. Keeping things simple yet elegant is a creative ability found only in the few. Consider a professional designer and the fact that a good logo can last as long as ten years before it needs refreshing. Average the cost of the logo design over that ten year life cycle and it doesn't seem so bad. Look at the history of some of those companies we talked about and you'll find not one of them was a result of DIY design.

A professional designer will look for the characteristics of your business and your customers that differentiates you from others in your marketplace. They can fit your logo to your target audience of customers, regardless of age or other demographic characteristics. They know what images, shapes, and colors attract different sets of eyes. Give them a try and good luck with your logo!


My God you people are amazing! I'm going to have to get some help on this...I can't decide because they're all so great. I'll let you know.

Thanks so much Lilian!!! Wow!!!

JD - Greenergy2030 Certified Business

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