Increasing daily, the amount of competition in the fast food industry is immense. There are fast food restaurants that have been around for years and new ones opening next door is a common sight. With a huge field of competition, it is important for every fast food restaurant to have an amazing logo. Fast food restaurant logos must be unique and memorable. These logos are the ones that invite customers to return and help them to identify with the restaurant itself. When an individual sees your restaurant logo, they should be drawn to stop and visit your establishment. Your logo should instantly take customers to the welcoming atmosphere of your business. In the following, the main design elements required when creating a great fast food restaurant logo are briefly discussed.
Choosing Logo Colors
Color is among the main elements that must be closely considered when designing a fast food restaurant logo. Brown, orange, red and yellow are splendid colors for use in this type of logo. These colors evoke hunger and excitement. By further considering the type of foods being served by the restaurant, you can choose colors to help in representing the cuisine style. When selecting the colors, you need to try to refrain from using more than two to three different ones. If you use too much color, it is likely the look will appear overwhelming and tacky.
Selecting a Font
Another important element of a fast food restaurant logo is the size of font. The style of font will help to deliver the feel of the restaurant. Many fonts represent different feels such as casual, elegant, dramatic, gothic and other styles. By using simple fonts, there is more of a visual effect created which tends to draw attention from the public. In order to create a logo that stands out from competitors, you will need to use the right type of font.
Text to a Minimum
Many fast food restaurant logos also include a slogan or sales pitch of some sort. This is considered text when designing a logo of any sort. You should limit the number of words used in the logo design to four or five. This will keep the design from appearing cluttered and unattractive. Many of the slogans including some of the most famously known ones of today often become famous for the text in the design of their logos. Text positioning can be important as well. Most text is situated along the bottom of the design while others choose to angle it around the image used in the logo.
Imagery for Logo Design
Choosing an image for a restaurant logo design can be rather challenging. It is difficult not to duplicate those used by other fast food businesses. However, to help promote the success of your logo design, you must choose a unique and attractive image. This images should directly impact the customer's mind in order to lure them into your restaurant and create a return customer at the same time.
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