Most all money logos are attractive and pleasing to the eye. Designing a money logo is not any different than designing other types. Money logos are used in many different types of business. Some lending agencies and banks use money logos to advertise their services and commitment to pleasing customers. Regardless of how your money logo will be used, it is important that it is well-designed. Those logos that have been designed in an attractive manner have often become the brand symbol for businesses and companies. In the following, the basic elements of designing a money logo are briefly discussed.
Color Choices
When designing a money logo, it is imperative to think about the color of money. Green is the ideal color for any type of money logo. Some choose to use two to three shades of green. Others incorporate colors such as black, brown and red into the design. It does not matter what color is used. However, bright or vibrant colors can be rather tacky in appearance and overwhelm the entire design. You should always choose colors that will contrast well with one another. Never use more than three colors as this can create a cluttered look and make your logo less memorable in the public mind.
Selection of an Image
Creating a money logo also entails choosing a specific image. Most money logos use money as the image. It can be in the form of bills or coins depending upon the preference of the business or company. These images should be unique in form. Images should not be taken from online sites or other logos. You may be at risk of trademark infringement if you choose to use a replica of another logo's image. When creating your image, you should keep it basic and simple. Images should never have a great deal of detail. This is often confusing to the public and negatively effects the results.
Choosing Font and Text for the Design
A great way to attract attention to your money logo is by the font you choose. This font will add a bit of elegance and style to the look of your logo design. Many use one style of font and use various sizes of font in the design. Many money logos also practice replacing the letter “s” and using a dollar sign in its place. This can give a distinctive look to the logo.
Many money logos use some text in the design. This text can feature the name of the business or company. It may also include a sales slogan or phrase. Regardless of what you plan to include in your text, it should be limited to only four or five words. If you use too many words, your logo design could appear rather cluttered.
A Designing Thought
One great way to get the best possible logo design for your business or company is to create more than one. You can use different colors, images, text and fonts in each. This will give you an idea of what has the best appearance. By choosing the best logo design, your company or business will become more successful and lucrative.
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