In order to differentiate between companies, businesses and organizations most choose to design an individualized logo. Religious logos are designed in the same way as other types of logos. Varying religious institutions and groups choose to use a logo to promote their services. A quality logo can bring a great deal of attention to a religious organization. Religious logos are usually a bit conservative and simple in appearance. These logos require certain design elements to be included in the design process. In the following, these elements of design are briefly discussed.
Choosing an Appropriate Image
One of the most important elements when creating a religious logo is the symbol used. Many religious groups and organizations choose symbols such as angels, crosses, palm leaves, steeples and other heavenly symbols to clearly denote their faith and values. For example, a white dove is often seen with a palm leaf twig to send a message of peacefulness and tranquility. In most logo designs, only the outline of the image is used. Detail in an image is of very little importance. Be sure to choose simple and basic images. These tend to be more memorable by the public. Take precautions not to choose an image that is already in use in another logo. Never select an image online as these are usually being used by other businesses, companies or organizations.
Inspirational Colors
Color is one of the design elements of creating a religious logo. Many religious logos use strong colors in order to promote a feeling of strength in faith. Colors such as red, yellow, blue and green are often seen in this type of logo. Some of the more prominent colors are green, white and red. Peace, harmony and healing should be the message sent to viewers by your logo. Some religious groups prefer lighter colors as a symbol of simplicity. Regardless of your color choices for your religious logo, it is important to use only two to three colors. If too many colors are used, the logo may appear cheap or tacky. You should also be sure that the colors chosen will contrast well with one another.
Font Styles and Text Choices
When designing a religious logo, font style is very important. Make sure to choose a stylish font and place this font into the design in a bold typeface. This allows for the font to be easily read. Most religious logos use Times New Roman or Corsiva style fonts. These fonts have an elegant look and create a stylish logo. Choose a size of font that does not overwhelm the design.
After choosing the style of font, you will need to select the text to be included. Many organizations choose to only include the name of their religious organization or group in the text. Others may include a religious quote or a Bible verse. Some place inspirational phrases or slogans in the text of their religious logo. No matter what text you choose to include in your design, it should be limited to four or five words. When too many words are used in the text of a logo, the design may appear cluttered and distasteful.
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