To send a message about the spirit and viewpoint of a school, a well-designed school logo is the best tool. This logo can promote your school spirit and allow the public to get a feel of the dedication to education held by the facility. Prospective students may be drawn to your particular school through the design of the logo. Your school will become more recognizable with a logo that includes all the needed elements of design. These design elements can create a successful and productive school logo. In the following, these elements of design are briefly discussed.
Using Color
Color is one of the important design elements when creating a school logo. Most school logos include the colors of your school. These colors usually relay the theme of your school. Many school colors are bright and vibrant. It is best to use only two or three colors; however, if your school colors included more than three, you may choose to use all of them. Preschool and kindergarten school logos often consist of colors that are light. Pastels are often seen in this type of school logo. It is important to use only the colors of your school. Never add to these colors unless it is to add white or black as contrasting shades.
Selecting an Image for the Design
When selecting an image for the design, many school logos use the mascot of their school. This mascot may be a bear, lion, tiger, bobcat or other animal or bird. Usually the outline of the image is all that is used. Therefore, it is of little importance to choose a very detailed image. When too many details are included in the image, it may create an overwhelming design that is less attractive to the public. Be sure to avoid choosing images online as most of these are in use in other logo designs. Your image should be a unique image. It should be one that is specific to your school.
Choosing a Style of Font and Text
Nearly every school logo has some sort of text. This text may simply be the name of your school. Text may also include a phrase, slogan or quote that is related to the school. Any text that is used should be limited to only four or five words. When too many words are used in the logo design, it can create a cluttered appearance that is distracting and less memorable. You might choose to use only the initials of your school as well. This is a widely practiced technique by many school logo designers. Make sure the text is placed in a large enough size to make it easily read from different angles. This text should be just as easily viewed on a billboard as it would be on a letterhead.
Font is very important in the design of your school logo. You may choose a block style font or one with a bit more style. This is totally dependent upon the designer as there is no set standard for school logo font styles. Some use Ariel or Times New Roman while others choose Comic Sans. This font is to be placed in the logo in a bold typeface. This places emphasis on your text and leaves a lasting impression on the minds of potential students and parents.
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